A NaNFT is a digital item that can be collected, traded and sold using the Nano cryptocurrency.
Nanswap Art is a platform to securely collect, trade and sell NaNFTs.
NaNFTs can be signed by the nano address of their creator. The nano signature is public and can be verified with a Nano Signature Tool
The authenticity of NaNFTs with the verified icon are manually verified by Nanswap Art.
Each owner of a NaNFT can download a unique certificate of ownership signed and dated by Nanswap Art.
The certificate includes all the information about the NaNFT, the signature of the creator, the signature of Nanswap Art and the nano address or email or username.
Example of certificate:
The Nanswap Art Nano address used to sign the certificate is nano_1nanartxocbu1egqg7opkrtqqrq59xaw7frfm3zwpkutzeoz8xjsjypsscd6
All the signatures can be verified with the Verify Signature Tool
NaNFTs files are stored in multiple copies in multiple countries to ensure high resilience and long-term storage.
Owner can download at anytime a backup of their NaNFTs on their own devices.
Yes, you can freely transfer a NaNFT to an email, a nano address or username.
To transfer a NaNFT, go to a NaNFT page you own, then click on the "Transfer" button.
Transfer is instant, free and irreversible.
During the Beta, it is currently not yet possible to transfer a NaNFT to a user that does not have a Nanswap Art account or to transfer a NaNFT to another platform.